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Name: Roya
Home: sydney, Australia
About Me: I went from looking for god to finding him evil to finding he does not exist, all before turning 14. Now, I can proudly say, I'm a libertarian, an anarchist, and a free thinker.
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Peer-reviewed creationism? |
Thursday, January 24, 2008 |

Not that the Answers in Genesis wasn't creepy enough, it seems they are so desperate for acceptance, the same weirdos are making their own journal.
There is an obvious temptation to see how discerning their peer review is by submitting something suitably wacky, but I'll leave it to someone with more time on their hands.
Anyway, what strikes me as most interesting is that it's another example of a group shunned by orthodox science starting its own journals of an alternative reality. The cold fusion community has a number of publications that cater specifically to their view of the world. Climate sceptics have their own journals too. Now the creationists are joining them.
It's actually an age-old way of creating a false air of authority. Back in high school I came across another alternative reality of right-wing paranoids with elaborate conspiracy theories extensively documented in self-published books.
The fascinating thing is that, with their own publications, they can cross-reference to create long lists of references that appear authentic unless you really check them out. Believers in the cause are then only too ready to believe them, as climate skeptic and sociologist Benny Peiser learned when he fell for a fake journal article and circulated it in his newsletter last year. " |
posted by Roya @ 9:21 PM   |
Me and Blogging |
Monday, May 07, 2007 |
I'm not sure when I'll start blogging again but I definitely have not given up on atheist activism. This Wednesday (9/5/07) I will be giving a speech in the first AGM of the Atheists of UNSW Society that I set up this semester.
I also want to give a face to my blog so that it would be seen as more credible and to show that I'm not afraid to show who I am to the world.
BTW, I have got more that 10 000 hits since I started blogging. I wished I had more time to get to more people but it's not possible right now. I do however visit the blogosphere from time to time and enjoy keeping up to date as to what is happening in the atheiosphere. haha I just made a new word!
Bye for now |
posted by Roya @ 5:12 AM   |
Hezbollywood - Beirut Reuters Photos fraud |
Wednesday, January 17, 2007 |
posted by Roya @ 4:43 AM   |
Teaching Children to die for Allah in Palestine and Lebanon |
posted by Roya @ 4:15 AM   |
Australian in Palestine account of children suicide bombers |
posted by Roya @ 4:15 AM   |
Defending Israel |
Friday, January 05, 2007 |
It seems leftists have won the public opinion on the Middle East conflict, so I'm asking anyone who has interesting information, articles or anything of that matter, to submit them to me for a long post that I want to do to show how the leftists have twisted the truth on Israel.
Some of the topics would be: The truth on the creation of Israel, the secularity of the state of Israel, etc.
I'm also interested in setting up a site with the help of anyone who is interested in promoting the end of the occupation of the American continent and Australia by Whites. Those facists, racists whites need to go back to where they have come from (Europe maybe?) and give back the land they have occupied for so long to their rightful owners. That would put things in context. I would love to see those leftists defending their occupation of the Aboriginal land. The Aboriginese here have never accepted the occupation of their land. SO WHY DON"T WE TALK ABOUT THEM, HA? IS IT BECAUSE THEY DON'T DO SUICIDE BOMBING? WELL IF THIS IS SO, THEN I'M GOING TO INCOURAGE THEM. If the west responds to suicide bombing then they deserve to be bombed.
Don't get me wrong. I don't believe Australia is occupied but if you say Palestine is, then by that definition so is Australia.
Answer me this. would ayone reading this, give up their land if some aboriginal person says my ancesters have lived on this spot of land (that you own now) so I want it back? |
posted by Roya @ 4:27 PM   |
Counter-Creationism Handbook |

For anyone who wants a scientific response to the silly creationists arguments, this book can be helpfull. I found it on the Panda's Thumb Blog.
Book Description The Counter-Creationism Handbook is a one-stop resource for addressing over 400 of the most prevalent claims made by creationists. Each claim is followed by a succinct and scientifically valid rebuttal, and the book includes print and on-line resources for further reading and information. |
posted by Roya @ 12:19 AM   |
Dangerous people to look out for in 2007 |
Tuesday, January 02, 2007 |
Happy New Year Everyone! I haven't posted here for a while now and I'm not sure when I'm going to get back to the habit but I may post here once in a while though.
 This list should not be taken lightly. |
posted by Roya @ 2:25 AM   |
More evidence that our morality comes from nature not god. |
Saturday, November 04, 2006 |
From New York Times:An Evolutionary Theory of Right and Wrong Who doesn’t know the difference between right and wrong? Yet that essential knowledge, generally assumed to come from parental teaching or religious or legal instruction, could turn out to have a quite different origin.
Primatologists like Frans de Waal have long argued that the roots of human morality are evident in social animals like apes and monkeys. The animals’ feelings of empathy and expectations of reciprocity are essential behaviors for mammalian group living and can be regarded as a counterpart of human morality.
Marc D. Hauser, a Harvard biologist, has built on this idea to propose that people are born with a moral grammar wired into their neural circuits by evolution. In a new book, “Moral Minds” (HarperCollins 2006), he argues that the grammar generates instant moral judgments which, in part because of the quick decisions that must be made in life-or-death situations, are inaccessible to the conscious mind. . . . . The proposal, if true, would have far-reaching consequences. It implies that parents and teachers are not teaching children the rules of correct behavior from scratch but are, at best, giving shape to an innate behavior. And it suggests that religions are not the source of moral codes but, rather, social enforcers of instinctive moral behavior. Readmore
You theists got that? Stop using your moral argument cause it doesn't gonna work. Labels: Morality |
posted by Roya @ 7:44 PM   |
Teddy: A Homophobic Gay. |
Thursday, November 02, 2006 |
 From Think Progress: Major Right-Wing Evangelical Leader Accused Of 3-Year Relationship With Male Prostitute Watch Video here
ANCHOR: A gay man makes a stunning accusation against the leader of one of Colorado’s most popular mega-churches, Ted Haggard, one of the best known evangelical pastors in the country. A gay man in Denver claims he’s had a threeyear sexual business relationship with Haggard. The pastor has told us just a few moments ago that he has prepared for his own church to investigate the claims. Haggard is the founder and senior leader of the 14,000 member New Life church in Colorado Springs. He is also the president of the multi-million member National Association of Evangelicals. Haggard is married and has five children. Male escort Mike Jones of Denver started talking to 9News two months ago laiming that Haggard does not practice what he preaches. He tells 9News that pastor Ted Haggard has been paying him for sex for the last three years. Jones went public about their alleged relation this morning on talk radio. JONES: Some may look at me and what I’ve done as immoral but I think I had to do the moral thing in my mind and that is expose someone who is preaching one thing but doing the opposite behind everybody’s back. ANCHOR: This evening we spoke with pastor Haggard outside of his home in Colorado Springs. HAGGARD: I’ve never had a gay relationship with anybody and, uh, I’m steady with my wife, I’m faithful to my wife. So, I don’t know if this is election year politics or if this has to do with the marriage amendment or what it is. But I’m not even the guy who will investigate it or question it, I don’t know what the dynamics are. This independent group will come in and do that.
And you know what? It will be investigated by some oversear pasters. Thats right, Pasters. And we know how unbiased they are going to be, aren't we?
***Update*** From NYT: In a one-page statement issued Saturday afternoon, the board said, “Our investigation and Pastor Haggard’s public statements have proven without a doubt that he has committed sexually immoral conduct.” |
posted by Roya @ 4:30 PM   |
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